the highlight of the trip was the wildlife. we were so lucky to see so many critters, it was like we were on safari! when we arrived at the carpark at the start of the hike a large coyote scooted across it - the first coyote i've seen! then driving back home after the hike a deer ran across the road in front of us.... moments later a moose appeared on the horizon!!! this got me extremely excited as i have been obsessing about seeing a moose for quite a while. this one was HUGE and was just hanging out on the road. he disappeared into the trees when we got the car a bit close, but then came back out when i got out of the car to see if i could get a better look - he must've been hungry! so we sat there in the car for ages, hanging out next to the moose on the road. blimin' awesome! i must admit we were a bit nervous coz we got pretty close and they are known to charge cars! but he really didn't seem to mind much that we were there. we left before he did, and before we reached calgary we saw a couple of herds of elk too.
i better go study some castellano... and then i'm off to the gym, good ey?!
d xx
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