lounge picnics
hi guys!
sorry about the lack of communication lately.... we moved into ger's new apartment a week ago and are without internet until later this week. the mall with the free internet is quite a hike away now so as a result i'm an email and blog slacker until wednesday (or thursday - can't remember). the new apartment is very swish and nice n' warm, and in the weekend we got some groovy counter stools so the picnics on the floor of the lounge have come to an end. we also found a very funky sofa in the weekend but that doesn't arrive until friday or next monday. still on the hunt for the right coffee table, a couple of lamps, a computer desk and chair and a red squishy chair for the lounge.
after a couple of weeks of blue skies and relatively warm weather the snow has set in again but i have to brave the cold and get out and about as i only have 4 more weeks left here :(. i am so excited about heading to south america, but the thought of saying goodbye to ger is a big fat dollop of sadness weighing me down :(
anyway, catch up proper later in the week!
xx d
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