see ya calgary :(
in a couple of hours i leave for the airport. going to argentina today! the big adventure begins. i AM excited about the trip... but right now i just don't feel it. i don't want to say goodbye to my gorgeous man. in fact, i'm so damn sad right now.
we had a wonderful weekend... went cross-country skiing in canmore on saturday and then to the calgary tower for dinner on saturday night. we even dressed up! it was such a fancy place - a revolving restaurant with an incredible view of the city lights. then yesterday we went shopping for toys for baby juan (ger's lil' nephew), and drove to a couple of parks for a look. the parks were a bit drab, recovering from their suffocation in the snow i guess, but i saw marmots for the first time!!! cute lil' things. we finished the weekend curled up on the couch with a dvd. perfect weekend. i don't want to go :(
as soon as i see ranga at the airport in buenos aires i'm sure i'll cheer up. this trip is gonna be so rad, i know. and yesterday i bought plane tickets back to calgary... so i'll be back soon... :)
love d xx
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