
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

stinkbugs and snowangels

am sooo sleepy. nemui.

got back from nikko trip number 2 a little while ago. it was pretty cool, especially today (there was lots of snow). was really fascinatin' to be able to compare summer (our last trip to nikko) and "spring" (felt like winter up there though!). entirely different. we did the hike across the senjogahara plains again and it was breathtaking. it rained pretty much the whole time and the hike was a little more difficult due to the deep snow and ice in some parts but it sure was fun. our legs were often swallowed suddenly and i even made a snow angel! showed andrea the temples around the place yesterday and went shopping in the souvenir shop (i finally brought the little japanese doll i wanted 8 months ago). we frequented "gusto" (like cob'n'co david reckons, but choicer), well, as much as a place can be frequented in 2 days, and our accommodation was very spiffy for the low price. all chalet styles! but the stinkbugs buzzing around our room sent me leaping across beds in fear on more than one occassion! sitting in my room now, back in fuj, the little trip seems quite surreal, almost like a dream. nikko is a whole different world. the hike today was like a vincent ward movie set. true, check out the pics...


must sleep.


Blogger d said...

arigatoo gozaimasu rose-chan! :) xx

9:56 AM  
Blogger Mr Mackie said...


2:15 AM  

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