good day

wow. it's finished! i taught my last lesson at nova today. was in a bit of a daze all day actually with mixed feelings of excitement and sadness. a bit like the last day of school. most of my students were wonderful today (two i could've done without), and i even got some gifts! after teaching them for about a year it's strange to know i'll likely never see them again. got quite attached to a few of them actually. big hugs for my workmates too, but have a big party planned on the beach for when i get back from china (bbq, fireworks and a big bonfire!) so HOPEFULLY i'll see most of them again before i fly away for good. so there we go. i feel like i have almost closed yet another chapter in my life, and it's left me feeling a little stunned. but i'm so excited about the next one :)
and great news! my babies have finally sprouted legs!!! went out to check on the wee tadpoles this morning (after 2 weeks of neglect coz of the giant wasps living in our backyard) and i was momentarily sick with worry as i couldn't see any wriggling about. but then suddenly i spotted some tiny brown specks on the edge of the pond: they have turned into the tiniest most perfect teeny frogs i've ever seen! they are seriously about half the size of my little finger's fingernail!! i'm so proud of them and hope and pray that they don't get eaten by cats or birds while i'm away in china.
am flying to china tomorrow!!! i can't quite believe it. life is just a big adventure right now! just finished packing half an hour ago and am looking forward to a good sleep no longer filled with dreams about being late to work :). might get one more blog in tomorrow morning before i head to the airport, but if not, take care, be good, and i'll catch up with you all when i get back to japan. ja ne! xxx
ps. happy birthday pa :) xx